Friday, January 17, 2014

Brotherhood by A.B.Westrick

Historical fiction seems to be finding me lately. This first novel by Westrick brings a rich history to the page: the KKK, post- Civil War reconstruction, all within a changing and at times hiding humanity.

The protagonist is a typical younger brother, particularly to such a bully as his older brother. Jeremiah shows up at all the wrong times, forcing his younger brother Shad to do things he might not usually do. It is however the ugly ways with which he misuses power that is so unsettling. Not surprising, just unsettling. The mother figure is a loss, still maneuvering her own grief over the loss of her husband and the boys’ father. Ah, another reason why Jeremiah is such an absolute loss perhaps? The grandfather puzzled me, leaving me wondering where his real allegiance lay. The neighbors nearby are ramrod straight and trouble to boot, although there are some folks more interested in humanity rather than separation. But still what surprised me was Shad: what was he going to do about his own trouble, the trouble with….

Nope. No spoiler alert here. Worth a trip to the library or bookstore for Brotherhood. Happy reading!!

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