Friday, January 25, 2013

Summer at Forsaken Lake by Michael D. Beil

Looking for an engaging story involving movie making, sailing, boats, mystery, and a little baseball? This might be the ticket for you. The author weaves the stories of two teens, Charlie and Nicholas, together artfully, combining a family history that had been buried for decades as well as a new friendship in this book. I had recently read Second Chance Summer-- which I will review soon--and at first, I felt like the books were really similar. But once the mystery of the ghost boat, the hidden note, and the unfinished shell up in the barn are uncovered, the story shifts significantly. And of course, the two two story lines are TOTALLY different.

Anyway the back cover quote is one that gives a little preview effectively: "That old house, and the lake-- they're both full of secrets. You just have to know where to look. You never know what you might find." As I read this book, I kept imagining what it would be like to read this one aloud to a class of fourth or fifth graders. I would love to hear what they had to say about Summer at Forsaken Lake.

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